It was pretty amazing to be part of something so big. But, with big crowds come big issues.
The event was horribly disorganized – there was a 30 minute start delay and when we finally got started, the course couldn't handle the large crowd. At one point, the race came to a complete halt as thousands of people tried to cross a very narrow bridge.
To top it all off, upon crossing the finish line racers were offered warm water and yogurt with granola. Mmmmm – there’s nothing like dairy to quench your thirst!
Over the years, many have asked why I run and I've always had a hard time answering them. Why? Well, because I both love and hate running (New Balance's recent commercials epitomize my feelings to a T).
There are the health benefits - I can stave off heart disease and other chronic illnesses. It also satisfies my need to compete and achieve - is there any better competitor than yourself? And, when I'm actually running, I feel strong, energized and empowered.
This is all great, but more times than naught, I loathe the effort involved. I don't like leaving my bed at 5:45 most mornings, I’m not happy about passing up my glass of wine when I’m training, I’m not a huge fan of sweating, and I could really do without the aches and pains that follow me after my outings.
So, why do I do it? Well, to be completely honest, there’s only one reason that keeps me going: food, glorious food! Really, is there any better reward than knowing you can actually eat - and eat well - without fearing (too much) the consequences of the weight scale?
On Sunday, after running for 1 hour and 10 minutes (my worst performance to date), I decided I was owed a little treat. Since Nike wasn't kind enough to feed me, I made a quick pit stop before heading home:

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