Thursday, 21 August 2008

A Wok to Remember

Growing up, we didn't have The Food Network with its 24 hour food coverage and revolving door of shiny, smiley food personalities. But, we did have local, memorable chefelebrities that I remember watching on public and local stations.

There was Pasquale from Pasquale's Kitchen whose cooking was always accompanied with a glass of wine and an aria. To be honest, I always thought it was the drink that had him singing (a few glasses always got my nonno singing), but he truly was a trained operatic singer.

But, my favourite was Yan of Wok with Yan. He was my favourite not solely for his cooking, but for his trademark aprons and corny humour. For those unfamiliar with the Vancouver-based chef, on every episode he donned a different apron with a saying that played on the word "wok". There was Wokkey Night in Canada, Wok's New, Pussycat?, Wok and Roll, and the most memorable because Mr. Oh still uses it on occasion, "Wok the Heck".

Wok with Yan was on TV from 1980-1982 with reruns for several years afterward, so I'm hoping that since I was still quite young at this time, I can blame my fuzzy memory for my faux pas.

So, the other night I decided to treat us to honey-glazed ribs. They were boiled and then marinated overnight, so they were moist, well-flavoured and, with the honey glaze, sweet.

As I made them I remembered back to the cable TV show, specifically the episode where Yan demonstrated for his viewers yet another use of a wok - that of a shield to place atop your head in the event of an earthquake. Now that's chef charm!

Now for my gaffe.

See, I got the recipe from Martin Yan's Quick & Easy recipe book (I highly recommend the edition). I "borrowed" the book from my mother four years ago thinking it was the chef from my childhood. But, as I sat to write this entry, I learned that the star of Wok with Yan is Stephan Yan who is of no relation (nor any resemblance, might I add) to Martin Yan, the author of my cookbook and host Yan Can Cook that also aired in the early '80s!

I can't tell you how disappointed and, yes, embarrassed I am by this news. For years, Martin Yan has been my lone coach in at-home Chinese cuisine. And, for years, whenever I've used his recipes or saw him on shows like Iron Chef America I would declare, "Hey, that's Wok with Yan!" and if I was in the presence of others, I'd follow by proudly stating, "He's Canadian!" and then recount memories of his show.

How many people have I relayed this false information to? If you are one of these folks, let me confirm for you, yes, I'm a silly, silly fool!

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