Saturday, 30 August 2008

A Salty Souvenier

My oldest friend (not in physical years, but in friendship years) is in town with her hubby. This was the first time the four of us have hung out on this side of the border.

We started the evening with drinks at the Gaslight in the Meatpacking District and then headed to Craftsteak a couple of blocks away.

Craftsteak, a Tom Colicchio restaurant, is fantastic and we enjoyed a multi-course meal that I'll remember for some time to come. I'll post photos and a full review shortly. Before we left, they gave us one last treat for the road. A savory goody-bag filled with salty and spicy popcorn, roasted and caramelized pecans, homemade pretzels and salty cookies.

What better way to remember your meal than with a food souvenier to enjoy the next day?

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