Saturday, 23 January 2010

Hiatus Explained

We welcomed our baby girl into the world in November.

When I first realized I was pregnant, the foodie in me was very much looking forward to the unbridled license to eat what I want, when I want. Sadly, I had no such luck. There were no food cravings to speak of - except the need to have juicy fruits (boring) - and no aversions to make life interesting. Instead, I was striped of my taste buds, which left even the most promising succulent meals bland upon my palate. It was a dark time in my food history.

But, I was able to persevere by altering an old wives' tale. They say, a mother carrying a baby girl is striped of her beauty. Using this "logic", I convinced myself that my taste buds were numbed because I was carrying a future all-star chef.

Only time will tell, but a foodie can dream, can't she!?

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