This was my first coed baby shower. And, all I have to say, is thank goodness the trend is moving away from the archaic ladyfests to an intermingled event that everyone can enjoy.
Now, I do enjoy a chickfest every now and then - but the ones I get a kick out of have never included dry conversations with people you haven't seen in ages about what other people you don't care about are doing and we don't sit around playing games. Well, there have been a few games, but not the type you typically play at showers.
Since childhood, I've hated the bridal shower (and in later years, the baby shower). Being my mother's only daughter, I was forced to accompany her to every event. I remember huffing and puffing every time an invitation came in the mail. I would whine for weeks, begging my mother to let me sit this one out. But, I was never granted such a wish.
The event the other night was unlike any I've had to attend previously. There was wine, good company, interesting conversations, more wine, and even a few games.
But, of course, the hit of the party was the food. The mamma-to-be and the party planner got together and created an amazing Indian spread for all of us to enjoy.

I had to pass on the yogurt dish due to my slight lactose intolerance, but the rest was just delish!
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