It's no surprise, then, many locals refer to tequila as the water of Mexico. If anything, I found tequila more readily available than water. But, hey, no complaining here!
Tequila - one of my favourite spirits - is made from the agave plant and was first produced in the 16th century by the Aztec people near the city of Tequila. For most of tequila's history it was an unrefined and harsh liquor that has played the protagonist role in many a drunken story. Do you remember yours?
In recent years, however, the tequila has been elevated to new heights as producers are using modern techniques to distill and age the spirit. Before heading home to the wintry weather of the Northeast, we enjoyed a wide-ranging tequila tasting. From the fruity, overly sweet to the smokily aged to the dangerously mild that sailed quickly and easily down the hatch.
After multiple samples - we had to make the right decision, dontchaknow? - we selected a mild, yet slightly fruity variation to add to our collection at home.

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