The pizza was delicious - Benny Tudino's pizza always is. And the company was even better, but I'd be lying if I didn't say it was a sad occasion. It was our last (regular) meal with the Ws. This weekend they will pack their bags and take the family back to Toronto.
After five years of knowing them, the Ws have become family. Mr. W and Mr. Oh were acquainted through work, but our family ties strengthened over the years. We lived in the same building - a mere elevator ride away - for most of these years. And, in the last couple of years, we were there for the birth of their children and got to watch them grow.
I know the move will be great for their growing brood. I also know, there are a multitude of ways to keep in touch and that we'll see each other on our trips into Toronto. But, it doesn't make it any easier knowing that I won't be able to enjoy an evening colouring with Princess H as she gabbers stories to me about Caillou and Dora whenever I want.
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