Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Sideline moments

There are moments – those fragments of time that are so precious and amazing – that make me love being a mamma. Most times, those moments are fleeting and I try to do all that I can to pay them homage and etch them in my memory so I don’t forget them.

Last night was such a moment.

This weekend, after watching Queen B smack her knees time and time again as she struggled to peddle her tricycle, we promised to buy her a big girl bike. Of course, in the midst of grocery shopping, dry cleaning pick up, cleaning the bathtub and fixing this or that around the house, we didn't get to it.

If she was disappointed, she didn't say. But, as her parents, we were disappointed we didn't do what we promised. So, last night before heading home for dinner, we stopped by our local Canadian Tire.

Mr. Oh pointed out three bikes and told Queen B to pick one. She was deliriously happy. And, I knew, something special was going to happen.

So, as much as I wanted to be part of the scene, I took a step back and watched from the sidelines. I saw my 3 year old test out each bike with the help of her daddy. I watched her talk to herself and to him as she explained what she liked and disliked on each bike.

And, then, on her own, she picked her favorite.

After a few “are you sure’s” from the always re-thinking Mr. Oh, I watched Queen B and her daddy walk hand-in-hand to the check-out counter. In similar fashion, Miss E and I followed the procession (Miss E had her new helmet in hand and was also very excited).

Lagging behind, Miss E and I turned the corner just in time to watch my daughter, who was still holding Mr. Oh’s hand, look up at him admiringly and say, “Thank you, Daddy!”

It stopped me in my tracks. It wasn't simply that she remembered her manners (maybe all those reminders are starting to pay off?). It was the look on Mr. Oh’s face. He was so proud and happy that he was able to create such joy for his little girl.

After taking a pause, I saw him squeeze her hand, then continue onward.

1 comment:

cathyjv said...

what a beautiful moment to witness! got me all teary!! very sweet...xo